Peer Education, Empowerment and Re-Entry Services
The Peer Education Empowerment and Re-Entry Services (PEERS) program addresses the gap in mental health services by providing individualized peer support and system navigation services to individuals who are also justice involved. Our mental health services help members meet the conditions of their parole/probation while also gaining important insights and tools for managing their mental health and/or substance use challenges. The system navigation services provide individualized support to members who need identification documentation, benefit enrollment, referrals to transitional housing, and employment preparation.
This program is staffed by credible messengers who have personally experienced incarceration. Drawing from their lived experiences, they offer invaluable insights, understanding, and unwavering support to individuals on their journey towards personal growth and reentry success.
PEERS – Our Peer Reentry program is guided by credible messengers who have personal experience with incarceration. Drawing from our lived experience we offer invaluable insights, understanding, and unwavering support towards personal growth and a successful reentry.
Our Reentry program has a dual purpose to work those in the carcel system and those returning to society; we provide support to individuals who are incarcerated and returning home by assisting them with the resources necessary for self-growth, personal development, and mental health.
Having experienced long-term incarceration, being justice involved, and having gone through similar system-impacted challenges. We are PEERS who understand life behind the wall, and we collaboratively assist in designing Wellness Plans with members to use both while awaiting release and after being paroled back in the community.
EMPOWERMENT- Provide Systems Navigation & Support –The PEERS program offers comprehensive systems navigation and social support during key stages of the parole/reentry process. , building a prosocial lifestyle and healthy support system.
We assist participants in getting free or discounted phone and internet services, setting up an email account, learning to utilize the web to discover and access social benefits, and establishing a Your Benefits Now account. Our services also help , we participate inie Additional guidance is offered around attaining essential resources such as housing, employment, healthcare, and education. s
EDUCATION. We Facilitate Wellness Groups that focus on Emotional Awareness and Mental Health—PEERS staff serve as a bridge between correctional facilities and community-based services. This includes prison correspondence wellness groups such as Seeking Safety, which deals with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and substance use; WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan), and Anger Management.
Members receive certificates upon completion.
PEERS also assists with board preparation; we provide guides to creating a well-prepared parole packet; support letters in favor of release for parole, resentencing, and commutations of sentences; and resource linkages to transitional housing, employment opportunities, and peer support.
Our aim is to educate and equip individuals with reentry life skills and personal development, empowering them with the wellness tools, self-confidence, and self-advocacy necessary to be successful on their journey of recovery, release, and readjusting in society.
REENTRY. We Address All Dimensions of Wellness - Successful reentry extends beyond basic needs. PEERS practices a holistic approach by addressing all dimensions of wellness, including physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. By offering comprehensive support, such as counseling, vocational training, mentorship, and peer support, members are empowered to build resilience, develop healthy coping skills, and cultivate a stable and healthy support network. Staff who are peers understand this experience and have developed programming that is responsive to the unique needs of the reentry population.
SERVICE. Giving Back- As a PEER reaching out to others, service is important; it is all about giving back to the community and living out our amends. Many of us who have traveled on this path recognize the value of being of service to others, lending a helping hand, and shedding light for those who sit in darkness.
Whether it is mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or physically, the liberating power that comes from peer support services and knowing one is not alone on this journey is a vital piece of the reentry puzzle. Gaining the strength and courage to utilize our skills and bring empowerment, mutuality, and hope in our recovery is crucial to creating a healthy inner society of resilient peers who can positively impact future generations.
A Word from the Program Director
There is this quote I heard over the years while I was in prison “Hurt people, hurt people. Healed people, heal people.”
Since being released and working for Project Return Peer Support Network I have found this to true, the PEERS Program is living amends to be of service to those who have been system impacted, seeking to create healthy atmospheres for growth, rebuilding communities, and striving to see positive outcomes, bringing a sense of purpose in others' lives.
While many have been forgotten in prison, or as they return home. Our program has chosen to invest in these individuals, while many in society have looked at them as dirt, yet even dirt has a purpose.
Considering the grain of sand at the bottom of the ocean a worthless piece of dirt to many, not to the oyster. When it finds its way into the oyster shell it goes through an incubation process… a transformation; where it gets made into a magnificent pearl.
Just like that dirt tucked away in that oyster shell, the darkest moments in life can be the greatest moments in life, one can discover who they are, what they were created to be and what their value is and their place in life.
There are two great days in a person's life the day they are born and the second… when they discover why. As a Peer Supporter I encourage members to keep in mind, there is a seed of potential in each of us ready to produce, where our talents, abilities, gifts, and the needs of the world cross our calling and purpose can be found.
By: Jose Zapata, Director of PEERS