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Project Return Peer Support Network
Taking Charge Together!

A Guiding Light in Mental Health Peer Support

A Guiding Light in Mental Health Peer Support | Project Return Peer Support Network

Jeffery Magenheimer’s journey through peer support has not only transformed his own life but has also illuminated the path of recovery for countless others.

Jeffrey's story is deeply intertwined with the memory of his late father, Fred Magenheimer. Fred was not only a father but a steadfast pillar of support for Jeffery as he navigated the complexities of mental illness. Their bond, rooted in empathy and compassion, laid the foundation for Jeffery's eventual path into the world of mental health advocacy.

His father's unwavering commitment was seen through his involvement, Fred sat on the Board of Directors for both the Mental Health America of Los Angeles (MHALA) and Project Return Peer Support Network, organizations that strive to make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals grappling with mental health challenges.

Jeffery's initial steps into the field of peer support took shape within the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) about ten years ago. However, it was in 2018 Jeffrey transitioned to  Project Return's Warmline. The Warmline is a non-crisis support line designed for one-on-one interactions that people may need, which resonated deeply with Jeffery's inherent desire to connect with others on a personal level. For him, this role became more than a job; it became a vocation, a lifeline, and a beacon of hope.

Jeffery says, "In order to get better, you have to help others get better," this encapsulates his approach to peer support. His belief in the power of human connection and empathy forms the cornerstone of his interactions with callers. Each conversation is an opportunity to create a safe space, a platform for mutual understanding, and a source of solace for both parties involved.

One of the most poignant reflections of Jeffery's commitment occurred during a period of personal loss. Following the passing of his father, Jeffery faced a difficult decision – to take time off or to continue his work on the Warmline. Choosing the latter, he demonstrated an exceptional understanding of the profound impact of human interaction during times of grief. By openly sharing his own feelings of loss with callers, Jeffery not only offered peer support but also found a unique form of solace and camaraderie in return.

For Jeffrey, peer support provides more than a sense of purpose; it offers structure in his life and helps him navigate his own mental health journey.

Jeffery said, “ I recently had a thought about what I would do if I won the California Lottery, I would still work at this job, it helps me.”

Even in the face of opportunities like the allure of the California jackpot, Jeffrey's commitment to the Warmline remains steadfast. His dedication is a testament to the impact of peer support on his own well-being and underscores its significance as an essential component of mental health recovery.

“Not everyone has the privileges of the support system that I have,” Jeffery says. “ I don’t know how I would have recovered without my close relationships. For me it's about trying to provide that to those who don’t have that.” 

In the evolving landscape of mental health advocacy, Jeffery stands as a symbol of resilience, empathy, and dedication. His journey is a reminder that personal challenges, when met with compassion and a commitment to helping others, can transform into a force for positive change. Through his work, Jeffery has illuminated the path of recovery, proving that even in the midst of darkness, there is a guiding light – one that continues to shine brightly as he walks alongside others on their own roads to recovery.

“There is a lot of stigma about mental illness. I've experienced it myself,” says Jeffery. “ For some reason people assume we can't live fulfilling lives. It would be better if people could understand that having a mental illness doesn't mean you're dangerous.”


Excellent article. Very proud of Jeffrey and the work he is doing while fighting his mental illness. He deserves a lot of credit.
~ Paula Ruddock (Sep 12, 2023 05:58 PM)

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Michaella Huck


A Journey of Transformation: Caller's Experience with the Warm Line | Project Return Peer Support Network
From Guest to Peer Supporter: Victoria's Journey of Transformation at Hacienda of Hope | Project Return Peer Support Network