Tina goes beyond her role as an Employment and Resource Specialist to provide holistic support to monolingual Spanish speakers. She addresses their needs in employment, housing, mental and physical health, insurance, resume writing, and connects them to specialized advocacy services like immigration support. She does this because her job dedication is deeply rooted in her personal experiences and commitment to the community.
Published on: 06/25/2024 | Category: Articles Mental Health Recovery Testimonials
In the early 2000’s, in East LA's Maravilla Projects, a resilient individual named Mary faced the challenges of growing up in a low-income area. From early on, she confronted the harsh reality of poverty, dealing with food and clothing insecurity, as well as neglect while living with their grandparents and father. The struggles extended beyond the confines of home, as Mary faced bullying at school, adding to the layers of trauma. Their home environment wasn't safe either, with instances of violence, making it hard for Mary to find solace anywhere. The culmination of these experiences led to the development of anxiety, PTSD, and borderline personality disorder.
Published on: 01/17/2024 | Category: Articles Mental Health Recovery Testimonials
Before I came to Project Return, much of my experience was anecdotal. I did not know much about this term “IMD” or Institution for Mental Disease—the notion seemed full of mystery. A few months into my new position, I received an invitation to participate in a group session at an IMD, within its walls. I was excited to witness my peers extending their unwavering support to those who were denied the same access to assistance as the rest of the world.
Published on: 11/22/2023 | Category: Articles Mental Health
Admist the bustle of Cleveland, Ohio, Marcus Tuttle found himself unhappy. Marcus faced a myriad of challenges that seemed insurmountable; he didn’t have a job, was experiencing homelessness, and without a driver's license. In 2002, Marcus made a bold decision to seek a fresh start in California. His initial entry into the Golden State, however, was not easy. While living in a shelter an unexpected turn of events led to his arrest.
Published on: 11/21/2023 | Category: Articles Mental Health Recovery Testimonials
Disclaimer: This article mentions suicide.
Published on: 11/15/2023 | Category: Articles Mental Health
Disclaimer: This caller chose the alias of a turtle. Their recovery journey has been steady and slow.
In a world where connections are often made through screens and keyboards, there exists a lifeline for those in need of genuine human interaction and support. Tim stumbled upon this lifeline about four years ago when he was at one of the lowest points in his life. Tim's journey with the Warm Line, an invaluable mental health resource, serves as a testament to the power of compassion and empathy in the path to recovery and personal growth.
Published on: 09/07/2023 | Category: Articles Mental Health
What do L.A. students want most? Mental health help, an adult to listen, reliable tech.
Published on: 11/17/2021 | Category: Articles Mental Health
Humans have always had the need to tell their stories. That’s no different in the blogging world either. Writing about our experiences is often a very therapeutic experience. This can be especially true when dealing with mental illness. Here are a few of our favorite blogs about mental illness and mental health.
Published on: 11/08/2021 | Category: Articles Mental Health